5 Things You May or May Not Have Thought of To Do This Summer

I was just sitting here pondering what makes a great summer. And as every year I talk about how we can easily get caught on that speeding train of summer (where weekends fill up and all we can talk about is how fast summer will go, and then of course it flies by because what we focus on expands) I thought in the midst of all of the summer fun and speediness I would make a few suggestions so we have a reminder about what can really add to making the most of our time this summer.

Here are five things you may or may not have thought of. If you have, take note of what might be standing in the way of something not happening or getting done yet and then intend on removing that and getting to it!

If you have not, commit to doing what resonates with you. Your time this summer is YOURS!!

Remember, we teach others how to treat us so if you are not respecting and making the most of your time, no one else will either.

  1. Make a lunch or dinner date with someone you haven’t seen in awhile.

With the summer usually comes nicer weather. Outside venues (restaurants, parks, your backyard) are a great place to reconnect with someone you haven’t seen in awhile. Make it someone who lifts you up and really make the most of an hour or 2 of your time.

2. Set a goal.

Just 1. I know it’s summer and we want to relax. But think of 1 accomplishment you would really like to have under your belt this summer. Whether it be a house project or getting back to yoga or teaching your child a new skill, pick something that will give your summer a sense of achievement.

3. Plan a day of your favorite activity and stick to it.

If you have a favorite place to visit, really commit to picking a day soon and going there. Or if you’re a beach lover but don’t live near it, make a promise to yourself that you will set up a day to go and not waiver from it. If reading is your favorite summer activity, choose 1 day to take a break from your to do list and spend it with just your book. You are worth making a pact with yourself to do what brings you joy!

4. Step outside of your comfort zone.

Do something this summer that challenges you to be slightly uncomfortable. There are so many things we really want to do or try but we play it safe and never push ourselves to do so. But I assure you that at times we must go out on a limb, as that’s where all the fruit is! So take that art class, make that phone call, sign up for some training that you have been interested in. Whatever is is, give yourself that little push because right outside of your comfort zone is limitless possibility!

5. Connect to that SUMMER feeling!

Remember that amazing feeling you used to get on the last day of school? Can you recall how excited you used to get at the thought of summer beginning? What did that make you feel? Freedom, joy, excitement, relief, awaiting fun times, at peace? Take a few moments to close your eyes and connect with that feeling that summer brings. Sit in that space for as long as you can. And recall that feeling often. It’s the essence of summer. And it is there if you look for it!


It is so important that we not only take time for ourselves but that we are clear on what makes the most of our time. We are in the best place for the ones that we love when we take care of ourselves and do things that we feel good about and enjoy. And we are in the best place to receive our desires when we replenish our spirits! Happy summer!

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