What If It Was Supposed To Happen That Way?

Depositphotos_6187384_xsI had a pretty amazing experience happen to me about a week ago that I want to share because it really served to reinforce a major point in my belief system. Well, it didn’t happen directly to me, but to my son and ex-husband. But indirectly it was my (very emotional) experience and proof to me that sometimes things happen for reasons that we are not understanding at the time but that ultimately serve our highest good.

Before I tell you the story I just want to make a point to offset any eye rolling responses to the phrase “everything happens for a reason” as that is not exactly what I am saying here. I understand that people who have experienced tragedies or extremely difficult times might find that phrase to be offensive.

What I am saying is that there are many times in life when things do not go the way we planned them to. We get angry and frustrated and down on life, God, the universe and anyone else we can bring into our blame circle. We get caught up in this extreme annoyance, literally cutting off our awareness to the fact that things may very well be occurring for what benefits us in the long run or in Heather speak, for what is ultimately serving your highest good.

Meaning what is really best for you in support of what you most desire in life as well as for your safety and your well being.

OK so you are probably thinking enough “talking,” please tell your story. So here it is.

My son got taken on a spring break trip to Florida a couple of weeks ago. Suffice it to say this was a bit hard on mom as it was the longest I have ever been away from my baby. Yes I am a mother and he will always be my baby. But I kept myself very busy and the time actually went fast. And on the day he was supposed to come home I could barely contain my excitement to see and hold and kiss my son.

So I was happily following their flight status online (T minus 3 hours) when the phone rang.

It was my ex-husband telling me that they had gotten booted off the oversold flight. And not only were they not able to take their original flight, they were now going to be re-routed through a non direct flight that would get them home the following evening.

Needless to say we were both quite upset. And even though I had a fleeting thought of “maybe they weren’t supposed to be on that flight” I must admit my trust in the mechanism I talked about at the beginning of this post was completely overshadowed by my emotion.

I wasn’t going to get to see my son in 3 hours. The time had now turned to 24. He was going to rack up yet another absence from school. Who knew where they were going to stay overnight. I wondered if he was upset too.

It was not a good head space I was in.

After about a half hour of being completely wrapped up in upset, I got a text from my ex. The plane that they were originally supposed to be on had ended up having to make an emergency landing due to engine failure.

I was stopped in my tracks.

And I was grateful. Just simply grateful in that moment. I don’t believe anyone on the flight was physically hurt, but I cannot imagine what they went through emotionally and I was beyond thankful that my son and my ex were not on that flight.

I tell this story because it is so incredible to me and because I feel it is such a shining example of trusting that when things don’t work out exactly they way we WANT, that they may be turning out the way that serves us the most. Even if we can’t see that in that moment.

So I invite you to think about what trust and faith mean to you. And next time you find yourself upset over things not going the way you had planned, perhaps they even look terrible, ask yourself if there could be something bigger happening to serve you more. Again, even if you don’t see it then.

Oh and by the way, they ended up getting on a flight home that night.

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